Find the right Wi-Fi for you
Let us help you
find the right wi-fi
AQUILA PRO AI has the right solution for you
step 1/5
What is the square footage of your home?
<2800 sq. ft. (260 sqm)
2800 - 5000 sq. ft. (260 ~ 465 sqm)
> 5000 sq. ft. (465 sqm)
step 2/5
How many connected devices do you have?
Up to 10
10 to 30
More than 30
step 3/5
How many devices will stream at the same time?
1 to 2
3 to 4
5 or more
step 4/5
Describe your Internet usage.
Light (browsing the Internet, email)
Moderate (video calls, gaming)
Heavy (8k streaming, VR)
step 5/5
How fast is your Internet speed?
<1 Gbps
>1 Gbps
Your Profilie
My house is My Internet usage habits are . I have connected devices, and steaming devices at the same time and my Internet speed is .
Based on your answer, we recommend